About Us
"All are welcome in this place"
Another favorite at Trinity is a song that contains the lyrics, "All are welcome in this place." These lyrics truly reflect Trinity's diversity and caring spirit. With Trinity's wide range of activities and programs for all ages, there is something for everyone. We are young and older, single and married, gay and straight, long-time residents, and folks new to the area. We are seekers looking for answers in a place where we can grow.
At the same time we celebrate our diversity, we also celebrate the cohesiveness of Trinity. You'll find a spirit of cooperation and commitment to the glory of God guiding the work of Trinity's members and staff.
We aim to confess the Christian faith, trust in Christ as our forgiving Savior, promise to follow Christ and Christ's example for living, and faithfully attend worship and serve Christ in the world.
We are young and older, single and married, gay and straight, long-time residents and folks new to the area. We are on a journey of faith together seeking to follow Jesus Christ in a community where we can grow. Currently, we have about 300 members.
A recurring theme at Trinity is a wonderful song, "God Welcomes All":
God welcomes all, strangers and friends; God's love is strong, and it never ends.